I took the kids to see How To Train Your Dragon 2. I figured I’d check out the Spotlight almost next door as I was on the hunt for some specific yarn. Well, lo and behold, there’s a 40% off fabric sale.
Kate found some flannelette that she really liked.
I didn’t say anything, but I’d already bought a drill version of the same print months ago.
I told her I could make her a quilt and that could be the back if she liked and to pick out some fabric for the top.
She went with the same range I used for my quilt earlier this year.
When we got home I went to my stash and pulled out my ‘bloody bear’ piece of fabric as Sarah and I like to call it.
Kate was not impressed.
With the fact that we are both awesome and have the same taste in fabric, or for another reason, I do not know.
But anyway, she’s decided on equilateral triangles. Let see how that goes, shall we.