Well, who’d have thought I’d be back here so soon? Not me, that’s for sure! But I am. With a layout even.
A couple of years ago, I happened across a site that was about doing a Grateful album, where you scrapped one layout a week about something you were grateful for. As usual, I thought it was a fantastic idea and I wanted to do it, I just lacked the basic motivation to actually go through with it.
Lately I have been thinking, which is not always a good idea, that it would be a nice idea to put a different spin on some layouts. So this layout, instead of it being about when we went to Canberra, I decided to make it a ‘grateful’ layout.
In addition to the theme, I also used all scraps. I went to my scrap bags and sifted through them until I found some papers that were coordinating. Then I went to town. And town as in about 10 days for me to complete this. To be honest, I just kept putting it to the side. When I finally got to it last night, it took all of an hour and a half to complete.
I wanted to use some dymo tape with my old click clack thing, but the colours were off, so I used some plain white paper instead and inked it. Yeah, my cutting is a little crooked and it does pain me to look at it, but I am trying to let go of some of my OCD tendencies…. trying…
That’s it for today. I am thinking my craft crap needs a good tidy up. My fabric and yarn stashes have been multiplying of late…
my poor cdo friend……
LMAO! Not quite that bad!
Love it! Even though you've got un-straight lines(OMG) Beth we really are rubbing off on you hey…Love it!!!