I am a little super excited, my holidays for July have been approved. A whole 4 weeks off work. Oh goodness. I have no idea what I am going to do with myself. Actually I do know. I am going to get my life back. My mental health will thank me for it! I really need to take time out from work and focus on me for a bit. Let’s face it, it is completely unhealthy to live the way I live on what little amount of sleep I get. I have aged so much in the past 2 years. However, I still like my job and I love the flexibility it affords me. I love being there for the kids and I enjoy my wage.
Enough of me rambling! Ready for some more layouts?
This one is from the retreat and it almost didn’t survive. The thing is I heard Amy talking and she said something like
“I glue it. Scissors.”
Ohhh my. I raced to see what she had done. Lucky she had just used my DM to stick a chipboard number in the middle of my journalling. Lucky because it was still wet and I was able to wipe most of it off.
This layout uses the same paper as the Big Boy Sleeps Here layout from my last post. That’s because I was so loving the colours that I decided to have another crack at them.
The next layout is one about Steve and Amy. I am not entirely happy with it, but it’ll do. (That’ll do pig. That’ll do. LOL!)
And now for a quick newsletter layout I created last week. How about those foam letters that I picked up at the reject shop for $3 a pack. Exactly the same font as Thickers. Mmmm. Love me an alpha bargain.
Goodness me, $3… Did you grab the lot? lol
Love these pages Beth, I would have freaked if Lillee was so close to my page. lol
and that 4 weeks also means lots of scrapping LOL….enjoy your YOU time. Take lots of it to just relax, read, have hot baths, eat chocolate,play with the kids and fall in love all over again with your man LOL…just like cabin 7!
LOVE the LO's!!!