What a spectacular long weekend. The weather has been good, nice cool nights which make sleeping so comfortable. Gorgeous sunny days which aren’t too hot yet.That wind though, it can go and get lost.
This month I am going to continue the Photo a Day Challenge hosted by Fat Mum Slim. Here is the next months prompts:
The final day in September was: You, Then. I took this photo at the pool after my training buddy Jacqui and I went and did some laps in preparation of our triathlon.
Onto October: Day 1. Where You Stood. Well after Emily’s birthday party at Nurragingy Reserve, we thought we would seek out a geocache. We found one within the park grounds and set about finding it. Here’s us. Well, Luke and Amy, retrieving the cache. And where was I? Standing next to a swampy body of water being attacked by mozzies. But it’s all in the name of fun, right?
And because I love Pinterest, I thought I might share one of my favourites:
Sorry, no source info was on this, so if it’s yours, let me know!