
Another week gone and another promise to update more regularly broken. Sorry about that.

<—-Here is Lusi and myself. Aren’t we just too cool? Totally. I went and visited Lusi the other week and had a total ball! Can’t wait to do it again!

So I decided to enrol in KiwiScraps Freestlye Convention thingy in April. No, I am not a classes kinda girl, but I decided to go anyway as I think it will help me to let go more in my scrapbooking. That is my goal this year.

Well, on the homefront, not much has been happening. Kate, being the big year 1 girl now has homework. All it is is a list of about 20 words that they have to copy once. Easy. She loves doing it. I got a letter home from school the other day and it seems Kate may have to move classes due to her class becoming a K/1 composite. We shall see tomorrow I guess.

Luke was supposed to start his first day tomorrow at Family Day Care to allow me time to do some uni study since I work at night now. The poor little mite woke up with a runny nose! There goes my plans to get a haircut ad my eyebrows waxed. Maybe I might just take him along anyway. Surely a 3 year old boy can sit still for half an hour!?!?

I have done my layout for this weeks competition over at Scrapbook City. The theme was Passion. All I could hink of was this somg out of Flashdance! LOL! I worked it into my layout of course! The results will be up tomorrow morning and I have my fingers crossed that I go through to Round 2. There were some mighty good layouts submitted.
Well, I am sitting here supposed to be scrapbooking a layout for a CC at Scrapbooks Paper and Things – where Lusi teaches – but I didnt read the details properly and now my layout doesn’t meet the criteria. Grrrrr. I really should read everything 3 times before I just jump in and start scrapping!
I also have to finish my DT layout and finish another challenge layout. Man I am on the go! It’s all good fun though.
I have enrolled in some Yoga classes – just once a week for the next 8 weeks. I cant wait to start! It starts on tuesday. Hopefully it wont make me too sore! I have also been walking around the block again. After me and Luke drop Kate off at school we go – him in the pram – and me unfortunately pushing him up and down our hilly suburb. It takes just under 30 minutes. Not too long and not too short. Just right.
I just want to note that I am grateful to my husband who indulges my creative side.
Well thats about all we have time for folks.
Thanks so much to everyone who comes by and reads my blog!
I have been slack of late but hopefully I will be checking on you all soon!
Take care! 🙂

0 thoughts on “11.02.07”

  1. LOVE your LO Beth, my fave colours and the design is fabulous too!!

    Hey I am going to Kiwiscraps too!! Have booked and paid for my plane ticket already, chosen my classes BUT having trouble getting the site to take my $$$ LOL so in desperation am ringing NZ in the morning!

    Chrissy xx

  2. Well lovely girl,
    I will be attending Kiwi Scraps too now because of the VERY kind actions of a certain someone – can't imagine who that could be can you>>>???!!!! Thanks again lovely friend and hey..sorry about the file size thingy at SP&T – let me know what I can do to help cause your would be so inspiring there too – i know the girls would love ya to join in. It's too late for week 1 but not too late for the rest of the comp overall! Ok- take care mate and talk soon!
    Lus x

  3. Your layout is fabulous Beth! I didn't know you were a closet Flashdance fan lol.

    Gorgeous photo of you and Lusi too – very happy.

    Have fun at Kiwi. I'm not going this year, but I know lots who are so you will have a blast!

    Megan xx

  4. I'm doing two classes at Kiwi Scraps too! Maybe see you there. I'll be there late saturday afternoon and sunday morning.

    Happy Birthday!

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